Project: It's A Wrap!
Rock and Wrap It Up!’s Project: It’s A Wrap! has reached its 20th year recovering prepared but not served food from Film and TV production sets.
It’s A Wrap! has grown immensely. In its 20th year, Rock and Wrap It Up! is currently recovering food from 56 different productions. These productions include TV series, feature films, and talk-shows with locations including, but not limited to, Los Angeles, Portland, Atlanta, Boston and New York. Rock and Wrap It Up! is happy to announce our 20th year working with the entertainment industry, garnering partnerships with productions at NBCU, Warner Brothers, SONY, ABC, Disney, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, It’s A Laugh Productions, New Line Productions, and Peach Tree Cinema.
Rock and Wrap It Up! began It’s A Wrap! in 1996 by recovering all the prepared but not served excess catered food from The Devil’s Own, starring Brad Pitt and Harrison Ford.
Throughout its growth, It’s A Wrap! has raised awareness that productions can fight hunger and lower their carbon footprint by donating their prepared but not served food to local anti-poverty agencies. With donors being protected by the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act and Rock and Wrap It Up’s dedication to safe food handling, we have never received a liability case or complaint of illness from donated food.
We are proud and honored to have a longstanding relationship with such eco-friendly and green-minded organizations and productions in the entertainment industry.
Green Productions Guide, as well as listed on the California Film Commission’s website. Rock and Wrap it Up! is listed as a primary, dependable resource in the
In 2016, Project It's a Wrap has donated over 38,000 lbs of food, serving 31,000 meals & diverting 20,000 lbs CO2e from landfills. (data from Whole Earth Calculator)