Andrew Parise Veterans Toolkit
At the bottom of this page, and the accompanying PDF (click on the image to download) are the components of the Andrew Parise Veterans' Toolkit, curated by Rock and Wrap It Up!. The Toolkit consists of the following components:
RWU Hunger Food database
Best for Vets Colleges 2018* database
Best for Vets Employers 2017* database
Article of value for Vets from various resources.
Also available here is the Military Times' Benefits Guide 2018 Editorial E-book*. Click on the link to access that document.
The hunger database, Colleges 2018*, Employers 2017* and article database are also searchable at the bottom of this page. Please note that due to size limitations, the searchable components are not available from a mobile device.
* We are grateful to the Military Times for their publishing of these important databases and resources for veterans
"I cannot say enough about the importance of the Andy Parise Veterans' Toolkit. Important far beyond their informational and community tools and contacts. They help to validate a veterans service and expose vets to often previously unknown resources."
Thomas Ronayne,
Director Office of the County Executive
Suffolk County
Veterans Service Agency
To search the database, click on the sheet (Colleges, Employers, Hunger, Articles) you
wish to search, and use the navigation sliders to scroll vertically & horizontally